• 11 мая 2017, четверг
  • Прага, Coworking Krizovatka Vaclavske namesti 62, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic

Презентация стартапов перед инвесторами #6

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2565 дней назад
11 мая 2017 c 19:00 до 21:00
Coworking Krizovatka Vaclavske namesti 62, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic

Incredible pitch format for best startups in Prague! In panel: Antonio Nasuto (Director, Commercial Sales, Central and Eastern Europe at IBM) Leonid Igolnik (Angel Investor from Silicon Valley) Andrey Subbotin (international businessman) Ira Rubenstein (International Financier with a focus on Alternative Energy & Clean Technology) Bonus for the winner: 1 hour mentoring session with all jury members.

Incredible pitch format for best startups in Prague!

In panel:
Antonio Nasuto (Director, Commercial Sales, Central and Eastern Europe at IBM)
Jan Urban (Start-up Entrepreneur and Investor)
Leonid Igolnik (Angel Investor from Silicon Valley)
Bonus for the winner: 1 hour mentoring session from one of jury member. 
Best project will be chosen for the next pitch session with a chance to raise investments for their ideas.

Only 6 slots for 6 startups. Apply here: http://smartcoworking.cz/raw
RAW started like an angel group investment meeting in Silicon Valley (Sand Hill Angels group). You pitch and then Sand Hill Angels members and friends, who are experienced investors as well as successful entrepreneurs, ask questions about what you presented.

At an investment meeting, you would then leave the room while investors discuss what you need to succeed, such as whether you are building the right product, have a good monetization and customer acquisition strategy, are likely to raise enough money, and so on, before deciding whether to invest.

The RAW difference is that you hear that discussion. Moreover, you get to watch other startups go through the same process; that would be illegal at an investment meeting.

RAW is not a tune-up before fundraising; it is stage-appropriate feedback on your startup. Past RAWs have helped startups that were little more than two people with an idea through startups with term sheets on the table.

In Czech Republic RAW is held monthly in Krizovatka coworking space

If you are interested in participating in RAW as an entrepreneur or be a part of jury, please apply: http://smartcoworking.cz/raw


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