• 2 марта 2017, четверг
  • Прага, Coworking Krizovatka Vaclavske namesti 62, 14000 Prague

Krizovatka Pitch RAW #4

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2635 дней назад
2 марта 2017 c 19:00 до 22:00
Coworking Krizovatka Vaclavske namesti 62, 14000 Prague

В четверг 2 марта мы организуем 4-ую Pitch session для стартапов! Если ты хочешь узнать, что инвесторы думают о твоем стартапе и по каким критериям они принимают решение об инвестиции в твой стартап проект? В жюри: инвестор из Кремниевой долины, представитель T-mobile, представитель компании Invester. Язык мероприятия:английский. Мероприятие открытое для зрителей

RAW started like an angel group investment meeting in Silicon Valley (Sand Hill Angels group). You pitch and then Sand Hill Angels members and friends, who are experienced investors as well as successful entrepreneurs, ask questions about what you presented.

At an investment meeting, you would then leave the room while investors discuss what you need to improve in order to succeed. They will pay attention to whether you are building the right product, have a good monetization and customer acquisition strategy, if the project has a potential of profitability. Later on they decide whether to invest or no.

The RAW is different because you hear that discussion and can. Moreover, you get to watch other startups go through the same process; That would be illegal at an investment meeting, but at our you have an ability to experience that. 

RAW is not a tune-up before fundraising; it is stage-appropriate feedback on your startup. Past RAWs have helped startups that were little more than two people with an idea through startups with term sheets on the table.

Entrance fee: 50 czk. Presentation of your project at the event: 300 czk


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